Antim Sanskar or the last rites includes a set of rituals performed at the end of a person’s life in Hindu religion. They are typically performed by a professional pandit and include a variety of ceremonies and rituals aimed at releasing the soul of the deceased from the physical body and prepare it for its journey to the afterlife.
In total, there are 16 Samskaras in Hindus, of which Antim sanskar is the last samskara to be performed after the person dies. It is compulsory to do the last rites of the person who dies so that their Atma attains Peace.
The Antim Sanskar Puja involves several steps where each step has a significant importance and deep symbolic meaning. These rituals though may vasry depending on different regional customs or the sect of Hinduism the family follows, and the specific wishes of the family members of the deceased, the main elements remain same.
Essential items for Antim Sanskar
These include wood for the cremation pyre, ghee, sandalwood, flowers, incense sticks, a pot for carrying holy water, and other specific items as prescribed by the hired pandit.
Cleansing of the Body
After the confirmation of death, the body of the deceased is first bathed, then turmeric is applied all over the body, after that the body is dressed in clean clothes, generally white. This cleansing ritual represents purification and prepares the body for the final journey. As per some traditions, a few drops of Ganga River or Tulsi leaves are placed in the mouth of the deceased which is believed to purify the soul and ensure its safe journey.
Funeral Pyre
The body is then placed on a funeral pyre, typically made from wood, along with sandalwood and other materials on it to honor the deceased. This pyre is traditionally set up in an open space, often nearby a riverbank or at a cremation ground. In current times, electric crematoriums built, particularly in major cities for cremation, though the symbolic essence of the ritual remains unchanged.
Lighting of the Pyre
Traditionally, the eldest son performs this ritual and lights the funeral pyre, beginning with the mouth of the deceased. This act is considered one of the most important duties of a son in Hindu religion. The lighting of the pyre signifies the release of the soul from the physical body, thereby allowing it to move on to its next journey.
As the fire consumes the body, it is believed that the five core elements namely earth, water, fire, air, and ether that make the human form return to their cosmic origins. The fire acts as a medium through which the soul is released from its earthly ties.
Mantra Chanting
During the cremation process, pandits chant sacred mantras from the Vedas and other Hindu scriptures. These mantras are aimed to seek divine blessings and help guide the soul towards peace and liberation. The chanting also provides peace to the grieving family, reminding them of the uncertainty of life and the nature of the soul.
In Hindu Antim Sanskar, mantras play a pivotal role in connecting the physical and spiritual realms. From the varied mantras recited, the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra stands out for its significance and power.
Mahamrityunjaya Mantra is chanted for longevity and to overcome the fear of death, it invokes the powerful aspects of Lord Shiva.
Gayatri Mantra is chanted by the pandit & members of the family to Seeks enlightenment and purification of the mind.
Agni Mantra is said to call upon Agni, the fire god, to purify and release the soul.
Collection of ashes
On completion of body cremation, the ashes known as “Asthi” are collected. These ashes are then immersed in a sacred river, most commonly in the Ganga, or any other holy water body. The immersion of ashes symbolizes the final dissolution of the body into the elements and is believed to help the soul attain moksha from the cycle of rebirth.
In many hindu religion, Karyas for the departed soul continues from the 1st day to the 13th day.
The Spiritual Impact
The Antim Sanskar Puja holds spiritual importance for both the deceased and the family members. It ensures a peaceful transition to the afterlife, helping in the attainment of moksha for the departed soul. For the family, it serves as an essential part of the grieving process, offering a way of closure and the comfort of knowing that they have fulfilled their duties to their loved one.
Scientific & Spiritual importance
Scientifically, Antim Sanskar Puja, the last rites for the deceased, provides closure and helps manage grief, promoting mental and emotional well-being for the surviving family.
In Hindu mythology, it is believed that performing these rites ensures the soul’s journey to the afterlife and its peaceful transition.
Spiritually, the puja honors the departed, supports their liberation, and reinforces the cycle of life and death, emphasizing respect and continuity of the soul’s journey.
Panditsnearme is an One-stop solution for Hindu activities where one can find pandits on hire for various hindu rituals online or for remote puja services at affordable rates.
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